I love working hard. I do not love freezing cold showers. Cold has taken on a new dimension here. Mountain water that makes you just want to stay dirty all week long but that's gross entonces I will suck it up and shower quick just like if I were in the military. I love the freshness of this air though. There are so many trees and much more untainted oxygen. If I could spend a few weeks living in Matagalpa or something, I would be delighted.
So yesterday morning, I was cold and wore a hoodie I got from my track days in high school. On the back of that hoodie is my middle name "Aisha". Little did I know, that would be the only name people would remember me by this week. Haha. My Nica friends Byron and Juanillo started calling me Aisha and now it's caught on like wildfire for everybody else. One person says it then everybody else yells "Aisha." Oh good times. They worked in the coffee fields across camp while I was working on the road and every once in a while they would just scream out AISHA! No one even knows who Dilaun is. It's solely Aisha now
Last memory of the day: Byron taught me, David and Tyler a worship song called "La Unica Razon" which means "The Only Reason" and part of the chorus says, "Eres Todo Poderoso" which means "You are all-powerful". We sang it about seventy million times yesterday during work but Tyler, my buddy who I miss a ton, kept singing "Mi Esposa...plus other random words" which means "My Wife...plus other random or made-up words." I am not making fun of you Tyler but I will expect that when I see you again in this life or the next, that the first thing out of your mouth will be the correct lyrics to this song. One Love to Tennessee!!
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