"I hope I can see with Christ's eyes and feel with Christ's heart."
At midnight, early this Thursday morning, Rosibel, Kate, Byron, Miguel, Arnoldo, Juanillo and myself woke from our sweet sleep and surprised Luis Carlos with "Happy Birthday" wishes in song. Even though I could barely open my eyes, it was fun tradition. I will be really sad to leave my friends tomorrow. I just think it's been such a great week and these people will be good friends in my life for years to come. Knowing people all over the world is something I want in my life but not just anybody, quality people. My North American friends and Nicaraguan friends from Matagalpa will forever be in my heart. We have all grown closer during this week and though it will be tough to let go tomorrow, hopefully it will not be goodbye forever.
Tonight during devotions, we meditated on Matthew Chapter 6. It's about giving to the needy without trying to receive public recognition for it, the importance of prayer & fasting in private vs public and lastly about making sure not to store up treasure on earth where it won't do you much good and worrying that doesn't make life easier. All good things to remember and practice. Muy importante para mi vida. I must say that during this semester, I have felt myself worrying less and less about things that used to seem like such a big deal. It's a blessing to feel at peace and this week has brought a lot of that together.
I have been listening to a lot of Spanish worship songs that Miguel got me hooked on. It's amazing how many different ways God can be experienced. I now want to travel the world after this trip because I want to see more faces that will make up the Kingdom of God. I hope God does "Bless America" but every where else needs just as much. In every language and every barrio all over the world, we need more of God. Just like the quote I heard from Arnoldo during his testimony, "I hope I can see with Christ's eyes and feel with Christ's heart."
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