Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 8 February 5, 2009 (Thurs)

"Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it (Christopher Morley)."

This morning, I finally figured out how to tell Maria that she was feeding me too much food. I probably looked funny because I didn't know the exact words. She ate with me and she had about half a spoonful of food on her plate and I had about three times as much. I'm not kidding. I mean it is sweet that they want to treat guests so well but I also want to fit in the seat in a month when I'm still riding the bus. So I pointed to her plate and said something about how small it was then I pointed to my plate and was like Grande! comida or something so I asked if my plate could look like hers tomorrow. She laughed and was like yes, poquito comida. I think we understand each other...haha.

After lunch it was sweet. I saw Kate Greenway! She used to go to Trinity. Her family now lives in Managua about 2 miles from the Nehemiah Center. We hung out a little bit and went to this coffee shop called Cafe Latina or something. It was great to see her and we'll definitely hang out as much as possible while I'm here. I'm excited to know someone who knows Nicaragua.

The ride home was certainly interesting. Dan and I were walking because everybody else had left then we got picked up by this lady Ulma who works at the Nehemiah Center. So we hopped into the back of her pickup truck and rode like the rest of the Nicaraguan people do. Fittin in. The roads are terrible though. Not paved usually like how I'm used to but mostly like cobblestone almost. Lots of pot holes and the painted lanes mean absolutely nothing. If three or four cars can fit across the lane then they will. Oh man.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, when I was there we drove on cruddy roads from Managua all the way up to Somotillo (check a map or ask Jeff). Our rear ends and necks definitely paid the price, haha
